Pastor’s Blog

What It Takes

Peter had just declared that Jesus was the Messiah, nobody had done this yet. Jesus applauds Peter, “This was revealed to you by my Father!” Jesus declares in Matthew 16:17. Quickly after this, Peter tells Jesus he won’t die and is told to “get behind me Satan” by...

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Finding You True Love

Love makes you do some crazy things doesn’t it? I have heard some wild stories of what some people have done in the name of love. I heard of one poor guy who fell in love and shortly after he began dating this girl her brother fell ill in the hospital. He ended up...

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Where Is Your Treasure?

This morning we are covering a famous passage with a timeless question: where is your treasure? What do you value the most in this life? So many things vie for our attention and pull for the affections of our heart. We know that Jesus and the kingdom of God is the...

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The Fall

So what can we learn from the fall of man? How did we get here, and what does this all mean for us today? We see in the Genesis story the fall of man in one of the greatest tragedies ever told. Adam and Eve had it all: all their needs met, a garden of glory and...

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Being With Jesus

The question I want to answer today is how we can thrive in a spiritually dead world without losing our soul. “Our doing for Jesus cannot exceed our being with Jesus” Pete Scazzaro, Emotionally Healthy Discipleship In Luke 10, we see the familiar story where Martha...

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Worthy of Leading our Life

I heard a story once that went like this. There was a little boy who wanted a bicycle really bad but didn’t know the best way to pray for one. So, trying to imitate how he heard his parents pray, that night he knelt down next to his bed and said, “Lord if it be thy...

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Worthy of our Gifts

This morning, I want to pick up with the wisemen. Wise men from the east came to present their gifts to Jesus. We’ve been doing a series on what Jesus is worthy of during this Christmas season. Today, I want to ask you, what gift is Christ worthy of from you? The...

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Worthy of our Hope

Have you ever hoped in something that didn’t live up to its expectations? Let’s talk about shepherds in ancient near eastern culture. Among the occupations, shepherding had a lowly place. Shepherds were considered untrustworthy and their work made them ceremonially...

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Worthy of our Trust

As I was planning this advent season and what I was going to preach on, I couldn’t shake this word from my spirit: worthy. Jesus is worthy! Worthy of our affections, our worship, our attention, and our trust during this holiday season. Advent, for those that don’t...

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Wielding the Word

God has a word for you today. In fact, God has a word for you every day, if you will create space to receive it. How valuable is reading the word of God? Lifeway research did a study on those that read the Bible 4 or more times a week. This study had 40,000...

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True Faith Prays

Prayer is the foundation for a vibrant spiritual life. The least responded to question that pastors ask is this: how is your prayer life? Prayer is foundational from the beginning of scripture to the end. Not only was it a foundational piece of the New Testament...

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True Faith Lasts

True faith has lasting faith! Today we are going to talk about what it means to have lasting faith. How many in this room are interested in your faith with Jesus lasting beyond your moment of salvation? How many want to have a faith that stands the test of time? One...

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5191 Eisenhower Parkway
Macon, GA 31206




Sundays at Parkway
Sunday School 10am
Sunday Service 11am

Wednesday 7pm


