In The Fight

In The Fight Two things before we start. One, this is for the one who is struggling. I think when people say, I am struggling with my relationship with God we miss the opportunity that that is. Struggle, by definition, means to make strenuous or violent efforts in the...

The Trap of Deception

The Trap of Deception I want to talk about a not so good mom in the Old Testament and a very dysfunctional family. We have a lot we can learn from them, that way we don’t make the same mistakes they did. Our passage is Genesis 27, and our topic is the trap of...

Selling Out

Selling Out I want to talk about selling out. We all sell out for something. When we sell out on the things of the world we make a bad investment. Our life, the Bible says in James 4:14, is a vapor. And we get one short window to decide what we will sell ourselves out...

Sent by our King

Sent by our King Let me start with this, every single point in this blog starts with “Christ”. I say that not to make your note taking easier but because it just reinforces the point of this message: it all starts with Christ. The main idea of our topic is this: we...


Fairness Life isn’t fair, and neither is the gospel… and boy am I glad that is true. Has anyone in here ever heard your parents tell you as a kid, “Life isn’t fair?” Today, I want to talk about fairness. This parable in Matthew 20:1-16 isn’t very fair, in fact,...