Kingdom Forgiveness

Kingdom Forgiveness Today’s message is called Kingdom Forgiveness. Life is full of chances to learn to forgive others. My dad had to forgive my brother and I for putting many holes in the wall during wrestling matches. We even decided one day to play kickball indoors...

Kingdom Conflict

Kingdom Conflict The title of the message today is Kingdom Conflict. Who in here has had the privilege of having conflict with another human being on this earth before? Every hand, every person! All of us! All my points today start with when conflict arises. Because…...

Kingdom Values

Kingdom Values What does God value in his kingdom? How much do you sacrifice to have the same values? Are we seeking the same things God is seeking? Of all the animals in the Bible, if you had to guess which one was mentioned the most, which would you think it is? The...

Kingdom Victory

Kingdom Victory The title of our message today is Kingdom Victory. We are going to be talking about living in victory over sin. In God’s kingdom, God wants to give you the power to have victory over sin. To go back to a sermon just a few weeks ago, God doesn’t want...

Kingdom Humility

Kingdom Humility Today we are kicking off a series to start the school year called Kingdom Community. When I was building out the fall schedule in January I was really eager to put together a series like this to talk about what exactly it looks like to exist in the...