True Faith Loves

True Faith Loves Last week we talked about how true faith acts. This week we will follow that up with what that looks like toward others. True faith, determined disciples of Jesus, love. They love equally no matter who it is and don’t show favoritism. True disciples...

True Faith Obeys

True Faith Obeys Our focus today is that true disciples obey. Here is the main idea: True disciples of Jesus should receive God’s Word with humility, dwell on it consistently, and obey it wholeheartedly. Obedience is a journey! How many received Jesus into their heart...

True Faith Perseveres

True Faith Perseveres What does true faith look like? What should characterize people that have faith in Jesus Christ? What should their life be like and how should they live? How do we know if we are truly disciples of Jesus and not consumers of what he can offer us?...

Kingdom Forgiveness

Kingdom Forgiveness Today’s message is called Kingdom Forgiveness. Life is full of chances to learn to forgive others. My dad had to forgive my brother and I for putting many holes in the wall during wrestling matches. We even decided one day to play kickball indoors...

Kingdom Conflict

Kingdom Conflict The title of the message today is Kingdom Conflict. Who in here has had the privilege of having conflict with another human being on this earth before? Every hand, every person! All of us! All my points today start with when conflict arises. Because…...