Worthy of Leading our Life

Worthy of Leading our Life I heard a story once that went like this. There was a little boy who wanted a bicycle really bad but didn’t know the best way to pray for one. So, trying to imitate how he heard his parents pray, that night he knelt down next to his bed and...

Worthy of our Gifts

Worthy of our Gifts This morning, I want to pick up with the wisemen. Wise men from the east came to present their gifts to Jesus. We’ve been doing a series on what Jesus is worthy of during this Christmas season. Today, I want to ask you, what gift is Christ worthy...

Worthy of our Hope

Worthy of our Hope Have you ever hoped in something that didn’t live up to its expectations? Let’s talk about shepherds in ancient near eastern culture. Among the occupations, shepherding had a lowly place. Shepherds were considered untrustworthy and their work made...

Worthy of our Trust

Worthy of our Trust As I was planning this advent season and what I was going to preach on, I couldn’t shake this word from my spirit: worthy. Jesus is worthy! Worthy of our affections, our worship, our attention, and our trust during this holiday season. Advent, for...

Wielding the Word

Wielding the Word God has a word for you today. In fact, God has a word for you every day, if you will create space to receive it. How valuable is reading the word of God? Lifeway research did a study on those that read the Bible 4 or more times a week. This study had...