Sent by our King

by | Apr 30, 2024

Let me start with this, every single point in this blog starts with “Christ”. I say that not to make your note taking easier but because it just reinforces the point of this message: it all starts with Christ. The main idea of our topic is this: we are sent by our King, and we have to act on it.

My goal this morning is not to analyze this text, but to allow the Spirit of God to awaken our hearts to the reality of its call on our lives individually, and also collectively as a church. This passage is very clear in what it is calling us to do and who Christ is calling us to be. 

This passage is not for the religious elite or church leaders only, but for all who live under the banner of Christ and proclaim to be disciples. This famous passage, commonly called “The Great Commission” is God’s great call on your life. Not God’s great call for full time ministers, but God’s great call for you! 

John MacArthur says in his commentary on Matthew that: “One commentator has referred to Matthew 28:16–20 as “the climax and major focal point not only of this gospel but of the entire New Testament. It is not an exaggeration to say that, in its broadest sense, it is the focal point of all Scripture, Old Testament as well as New.”

It has massive implications for you and me, and for the kingdom of God overall. Matthew decides to end his gospel intentionally with this, showing us that the story and the mission of the gospel continues still today, not a passing reality of the past.

Christ has all authority

First, I must begin by pointing out that Christ has all authority. Verse 18 is a massive claim by Jesus, if taken seriously it changes everything. He is echoing the words of Daniel 7:13-14. His authority is the basis of this text and this commissioning of his followers. 

Let me say something: Jesus is not just your personal Lord and Savior. It is a true statement that he is that, but we can’t stop there. Jesus is the Lord of the universe whether we make him Lord or not! His authority, His supremacy, is fully assured and fully encapsulating! 

Philippians 2:9-11, For this reason God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow—of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth—and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Christ is Lord of all! Matthew is intentional in his writing to display this lordship of Christ throughout his gospel. He is Lord over disease, sin, death, demons, the nations, everything! And since he is the one commissioning us, we can walk in that authority. 

If the president commissioned us to do something it would hold a lot more weight than if I commissioned you to do something. His position and authority carry a weight to firstly make that command, but also the power to carry out that command. Let me encourage you with something: the success of this commission isn’t hinged on your willingness to go, it is accomplished by the one who has sent you.

We are on the front lines of a spiritual battle, by Christ’s authority guarantees that his mission WILL succeed. So what is holding you back from engaging in the mission? We have the King of kings and Lord of lords sending us to go, we have his power in us through his Holy Spirit, we just need to be willing to live for the mission.

Christ commands us

The second reality that we must consider is that Christ commands us. Are you willing to go? Right after he declares his authority, he says. “In light of this reality, go!” 

David Platt: “This is not a comfortable call inviting most Christians to come, be baptized, and sit in one location. Yet, that is exactly what we are tempted to turn our mission into, and if we are not careful, this is what our Christianity will consist of. We may come to a worship service, participate in the life of the church, serve in the church, and give regularly, all the while neglecting to make disciples. The church is filled with people who have been Christians for 5, 10, 15, or even 50 years, who have never led someone outside of their family to be a reproducing disciple. We have missed our mission.”

The emphasis in the Greek here is not on “go” it is on “make”. This command from Jesus should cost us a lot, not something, everything! If we are taking the command seriously of making disciples we will face a cost. To be a disciple is to make disciples. They are not mutually exclusive.

Dawson Trotman in his famous work “Born to Reproduce” comments on our tendency in the church today:

“The curse of today is that we are too busy. I am not talking about being busy earning money to buy food. I am talking about being busy doing Christian things. We have spiritual activity with little productivity. The Gospel spread to the known world during the first century without radio, television or the printing press, because the writings of the apostles produced men who were reproducing. But today we have a lot of pew-sitters—people think that if they are faithful in church attendance, put good-sized gifts into the offering plate and get people to come, they have done their part.… If I were a minister of a church and had deacons or elders to pass the plate and choir members to sing, I would say, “Thank God for your help. We need you. Praise the Lord for these extra things you do,” but I would keep pressing home the big job—“Be fruitful and multiply.” All these other things are incidental to the supreme task of winning a man or woman to Jesus Christ and then helping him or her to go on.”

We start by sharing the word

How do we do this? We start by sharing the word. In order to share about the word of God, you have to live by the word of God.

The mission of Christ’s church in the book of Acts and beyond has been every member of the church engaging the world with the gospel. Not our opinions or our rants, but sharing the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ. We share his words because it’s God’s word. We need less of our words and more of God’s words in our nation today. 

Second, we show the word. We show it by displaying the fruit of the word in our lives. They will know us by our… fruit! Do you have fruit that reveals Christ and his kingdom? You can’t have that fruit without knowing the word and living it out. The fruit determines the root. Be rooted in Christ.

Third, we teach the word. It is one thing to receive the word, and another thing entirely to reproduce it! Our conversations should be filled with scripture, our life should exude it! 

And fourth, we serve the world. Matthew 20:28, Jesus didn’t come to be served but to serve and give his life. If you are going to participate in the great commission, you need to give your life. For some parts of the world that is a literal call, for others like ours, it is a lifestyle call. A call to lay down your lifestyle of caring about your things and instead caring about God’s things.

John Stott, “No self centered,, self contained church absorbed in its own parochial affairs can claim to be filled with the Spirit.” The Holy Spirit is a missionary Spirit, so a spirit filled church is a missionary church.

Christ is always with us

The last thing I want to point out today is that Christ is always with us. These words should comfort and encourage us in this deep and radical call. 

David Platt: “Be encouraged, follower of Christ, for this mission is not based on who we are or what we can do. This mission is assured based on Christ’s presence through His Spirit.”

God has given us many gifted people, many resources and we are so thankful for that, we can’t exist without them, but they aren’t what makes this all possible. The power to accomplish this call on our lives is based on who Jesus is and what he is able to do in and through our lives. 

Ephesians 3:20, Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. We don’t want to be preoccupied with programs and practices that we can manage on our own. We should be desperate for the power of Jesus.

We know that obedience to the Great Commission will not be easy, and we know it will be costly. But we also know that it will be worth it.
I wonder if you aren’t sharing the good news of Jesus because you just aren’t full of him and his presence. I am full with Christ. My life has fulfillment and purpose and I can’t wait to honor him and live for him. As a result it spills out to everyone I know and I just can’t help telling others. Are you full of him? God’s presence in our own lives empowers us to be present for others.
If God is present in your life, you won’t be able to help fulfilling the great commission. The mission statement I felt God give me for my old youth group was “knowing Jesus and making Jesus known.” The whole premise was getting to know Jesus of course, but also the fact that if you truly know Jesus, then you won’t be able to help making him known to the world. They go hand in hand with one another.

Discipleship is a journey, we all have our unique role to play in the great commission Jesus has called us to. God has called us to make disciples, and that might me building a relationship with someone and walking with them towards Christ after a period of time. The old adage is so true: people don’t care what you know until they know that you care. 

Christ has authority over all, so we can walk in that authority and accomplish this great work. But we cannot forget, Christ commands us to do this. It isn’t optional, true disciples of Jesus make other disciples of Jesus. How do you do it? With Christ’s presence in your life. You can’t possibly do this on your own, and that is the whole point. The great commission invites us to see God’s active presence and work in our lives as we make a difference for his kingdom.


5191 Eisenhower Parkway
Macon, GA 31206




Sundays at Parkway
Sunday School 10am
Sunday Service 11am

Wednesday 7pm


